The SpaceBrew Collective

by brandon spacey

ISBN: 9781492973416

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This is a collection of almost every single column ever published on the SpaceBrew sites between 1999 and 2013. The collection includes all the categories of columns, including diaries, reviews, interviews, Bacon Talks, science talk, travel journals, how-to columns, events and news columns. This collection could be considered an implement for entertainment in the bathroom for those long visits to the throne, or just a reference book for those interested in keeping the SpaceBrew columns alive on paper, long after the site goes away.


From hogwash to horse fires, space ships to steam punks - humanity's most unforgiving critic has spoken! Over the course of fourteen years, he has written hundreds of columns preaching his own unique set of laws that call even physics into question. And now they're being released on paper. It might just be that this hard text was never supposed to exist outside the world wide web. And now it does.

Take the fourteen-year journey with the man who calls himself Space and let him tell you how it was, how it should have been, and how he would have it if he were made king. God help us all.

All content herein is available for free on the internet, as of now. You can visit to read it all. But that might not always be the case!

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