Midnight's Park

by brandon spacey

ISBN: 978-1492902195 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1466065581 (ebook)

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Midnight's Park tells the tale of an accidental encounter that causes a rift in the temporal flow. When it is discovered what has happened, Amalie determines it needs to be corrected. She enlists the help of Daniel Brandt, and together they must find a way to bring back the hundreds of thousands of people they caused to disappear. Gripping, fast-paced and terrifying - Midnight's Park is a page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your reading chair until long after you have finished the book.

This is Spacey's first novel, and begins the Callie Simmons series.


"You okay?" she said, looking at his hands.

"Yeah. Just a little anxious. Never really done this before, you know?"

"It's okay to be nervous your first time. You know, you don't have to go back if you don't want to. I just thought you would want to be involved. You can sit here and monitor me if you want."

"No, no, no. I want to go. What's it like though? I mean, if I stayed here... What do you mean by monitor you?"

"Well we won't actually be sitting here once we invoke the app."

"We won't?"

"Well, no. Can't be in two places at once!" she said. "Well we will be right here, just not right now. And my little icon," she said pointing at a small blue icon in the HI app window, "will be all the evidence that I'm here. If you right click on it and select 'extract', it will pull me out of the program. It's not usually good to do that without the person being ready though. You can really mess someone up like that."

Daniel nodded. "This is incredible. How come this hasn't been on the news or anything? This is bad as hell!"

"Top secret Daniel. Like I told you," she said, then leaned back on her hands. "So you ready? You still wanna go?"

"Hell yes."

"All right, Daniel. It's about to get dark in here," Amalie said with absolute clarity. "Welcome to Midnight's Park."

selected reviews

I strongly recommend it as a book which has characters that will be with you long after you finish. It's among my top 5 favorite time travel reads. · full review

Midnight's Park sparked my interest within the first few pages; it's completely original. I loved the author's use of imagery, and it really allowed me to create a great mental picture of the characters and their surroundings. · full review

The well-developed characters became very real. Before I knew it, I was emotionally involved... · full review

I have to be honest; this book would be more aptly named Cigarettes, Beer, Boobs, and Quantum Physics. What really makes this book is its characters. I feel that I must know them and their in-jokes from somewhere. I want to dislike the main character, Daniel Brandt, and his need to jokingly call girls "bitches", but his charismatic magnetism reaches out with freakish tentacles and makes you like him anyway. I want to bop Callie and Walter over the head and make them get it on and give up the just-friends charade when they're constantly cuddled up like kittens. And then I see myself in them and how many guy friends I had that were just as close that I am glad I kept as just friends even though the temptation might have been there every now and then. I feel more invested in these characters than I normally feel when reading about people who only exist as words on a page. I know these people. I've knocked on the door unannounced and spent time just hanging out doing nothing much with them. And they're intelligent. They're the nerdy kids who read only non-fiction quantum physics books or hack into top-security internet sites just because they can. They gather at coffee shops and bars, claiming their assigned seats by walking on the table to get there if necessary. They have adventures which leave their jeep teetering over a cliff or have them diving under trains. They write programs for quantum computers. And they time travel to try to recover the people who have mysteriously ghosted (disappeared from existence) all over the world. These are your friends and you're sad to see them go when the last page comes. You only wish they'd figure out how to use a gorram cell phone. Unfortunately, the story ties up nicely by the end and I fear I'll never get these friends back, but I'll most definitely greedily acquaint myself with the characters in the author's other book.

This rating is according to Amazon. Hayley recently changed her review of this book on Goodreads to 4 stars.

I like science fiction, but it is hard to find books in that genre with new and original ideas. Midnight's Park sparked my interest within the first few pages; it's completely original. I loved the author's use of imagery, and it really allowed me to create a great mental picture of the characters and their surroundings. I am a grammarphile and was relieved to find that the author seems to be as well. He also doesn't go into unnecessary details about the characters (I appreciate that because it allowed the book to be very fast paced), but enough is known about them for the reader to empathize with each one. When I finished the book, I was wishing it had been part of a series so I could have immediately gone from one book to the next to the next. I wanted to know more about what happens in the future to the characters I had grown so close to and been through so much with during the course of the book. I was happy to see there is another book with one of the same main characters - Resurrecting Mars. I will definitely be reading that one next.

I love this book! Midnight's Park is exhilarating and gripping. Brandon Spacey takes the reader on an exciting journey. From the beginning I was completely caught up in this intriguing story. In Midnight's Park, Spacey includes ample scientific theory in his explanation of how temporal delineation or time travel might actually occur that he ensures it is plausible and convincing. I felt like it could really happen. Awesome!

The well-developed characters became very real. Before I knew it, I was emotionally involved... I was happy when they were, and sometimes I was scared and worried for them, and even cried for them at times. I love it when I feel connected to the characters in this way.

Spacey has a remarkable ability to make the reader think about the world, one's own life and one's place in time and space. I thoroughly enjoyed Midnight's Park. It is an exciting read! I highly recommend it. I will definitely read more from this gifted author.